Guess The Emoji

Guess The Emoji Level 28 Answers and Cheats

Guess The Emoji Answers and cheats to Level 28 of the popular photo word game for iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android. Guess the popular phrase that the combinations of emojis represent. After playing this game you can have a whole conversation using only emoticons! If you need help solving a level of the game, just use these answers and cheats Level 28 of Guess the Emoji game.

Guess The Emoji Level 28

guess the emoji Level 28 Birthday Party

guess the emoji Level 29 London Bridge

guess the emoji Level 30 Columbus

Birthday Party London Bridge Columbus
cake party hat party ball British flag bridge Spanish flag boat magnifying glass USA flag
guess the emoji Level 31 Tiger Prawn

guess the emoji Level 32 Hell No

guess the emoji Level 33 Notebook

Tiger Prawn Hell No Notebook
tiger fried shrimp fire purple devil woman crossing her arms music open book
guess the emoji Level 34 Dessert

guess the emoji Level 35 Snakes on a Plane

guess the emoji Level 36 Silence of the Lambs

Dessert Snakes on a Plane Silence of the Lambs
cake pike ice cream snake snakes plane mut sound off lamb lambs
guess the emoji Level 28 Camera Shy

Camera Shy
camera blushing face

Can’t find the level you are looking for? Click the next and prev links below to find all the answers to other levels of the game. There are 100 levels in the game, and each level has 10 puzzles of emojis. We have answers to all 100 levels, and all 1000 puzzles. So keep searching to solve the level that you are stuck on and beat the game in no time!

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